+1 (904) 362-3629 vericial@proton.me
How Much We Work

How Much We Work

In our younger years, we have school and more important things to do, but then we get older and there are bills to pay. These charts show the shift and the sweet release of retirement. Read More To...
Who is Sleeping, by Age and Time

Who is Sleeping, by Age and Time

When we’re young, we tend to have fewer responsibilities, which means we can sleep and wake up later. Then work and parenting come along, and our schedules grow more structured. We can see the shift in the percentage of people who are sleeping, given their age. Read...
Sleep Hours and Feeling Rested

Sleep Hours and Feeling Rested

As I peel myself out of bed in the morning after again not going to sleep at a civilized hour, blurry-eyed, I wonder what hours others sleep. Certainly, I must be in the majority. According to the National Health Interview Survey from 2022, I am not. Two-thirds of...